In 2010, with $100 in their account, and a God given dream, Pastor Randy and Lisa Knight moved back to the Flathead Valley to launch Journey Church. The initial leadership service was held on Sunday, November 7th at Glacier Bible Camp. And the following Sunday, November 14th, Journey Church opened it’s doors for the public.

Through the years, as we’ve grown, we have had several sites. In January 2014, we landed at our present location. After three years of renting the facility, God blessed us with the means to purchase the property.

In October of 2021, Journey hired it’s first staff pastor with Lynn Lapka joining us as our associate pastor. However, the next year, after sensing God’s leading again, Pastor Randy and Pastor Lynn stepped down to make room for our next pastor, Dave Vainio, who moved here and began ministry in November, 2022.


We want to walk with people on their journey with Jesus Christ.

To begin this journey though, all of us have to realize we have a problem. We’re broken. 

At the heart of our human brokenness lies the real problem. Sin. When we turn to Jesus Christ for help in addressing this problem, He will set us free and bring healing into those broken areas of our lives and give us a brand new start! At Journey Church, we want to lead people into this life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ, and then walk with them on this journey as they grow in their             new-found freedom!



The Bible:  We believe the Bible is the living and inspired Word of God

One True God:  There is one true God who revealed Himself in three interrelated persons. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

The Diety of the Lord Jesus Christ:  The Lord Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God. The Bible declares His virgin birth, His sinless life, His working of miracles, Our substitute on the Cross, His bodily resurrection from the dead, being exalted to the Right Hand of God.

The Holy Spirit: We believe in the person and work of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life. In the baptism of the Holy Spirit, available to all believers for the empowerment of spiritual gifts.

The Fall:  We were originally created without sin, in God’s image, for relationship with Him. However, by a voluntary act of our will, we chose to sin and “fell” out of right relationship with God. We now suffer physical and spiritual death as the consequences of our actions. 

Salvation:  Salvation happens the moment one receives Jesus Christ into their life by faith.

Water Baptism:  We believe in the full immersion in water and in this we are declaring that with God’s help, we are dying to our sinful lifestyle and being raised to new life with Him.

Holy Communion: The Lord’s Supper, consisting of the bread and the wine, is a memorial of His suffering and death, and a prophecy that He will return to earth someday.

Sanctification:  This is a process that aligns us with God. Sanctification is an act of separating ourselves from evil and aligning with things that are good, upright, and morally pure. 

The Church:  The Church is the body of Christ and includes all Christians with no boundaries as to age, race, gender, or denomination. Our congregation serves as a part of Christ’s greater body, and is a place where people may worship God, grow in their faith and knowledge of God, and be equipped for ministry to a lost and broken world.

Eternity:  We will either be separated from God for eternity because of sin, or be united with God forever through forgiveness and salvation.

Divine Healing:  This is a central part of the gospel, not just a little side-note. It is something that is provided for every believer because of what Jesus Christ did on the cross.




 Our Pastors


What to Expect

Journey Kids



Worship Service:  Sundays @ 9:30am

5091 US Hwy 2, Columbia Falls MT, 59912

Phone:  (406)-249-8662

Mailing Address: 
  PO Box 537 Columbia Falls MT 59912



Our Mission

To walk with people on a life-changing journey with Jesus Christ.



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