Thank you
Thank you for your faithful giving!
We can never outgive God, so when it comes to our finances we can be extravagantly generous with our tithes and offerings. Let’s join together and give into what God is doing through Journey Church and in our community.
We are excited to introduce our new online giving platform called Aplos. When you click on the GIVE button, you will be taken to the new website where you can make a one-time donation or set up an account for recurring gifts. This platform greatly streamlines the accounting integration for our bookkeeper while keeping the same features as If you have questions about setting up your account, check out these instructions by Aplos or fill out the Get Connected Form to send your question to Vicki. Summer hours in the office are limited so please be patient for a reply.
You can also mail your tithes and offerings to our church mailing address.
PO Box 537
Columbia Falls MT