The Bulletin

October 20, 2024




*Wednesdays Come to the table!

   – Meal at 5:30.  Sign up at the back table.  This week we will be having sandwiches with all the fixings.

   – Classes at 6:30. 


         *Creation Movie Nights – Meeting downstairs

            -Fri., Oct 25th, 6 P.M. – “Genesis Paradise Lost”

            -Fri., Nov. 8th, 6 P.M. – “Ark and the Darkness”


*October is Pastor Appreciation Month – There is a basket in the entry where you can drop off a note or a gift card for Pastor Dave and Erin.  A special love offering will not be taken but you are welcome to bless them with monetary gifts in the basket.  One of the biggest ways to impact Pastor Dave is to pray for him and his family.  Sign up on the calendar to pray for them on a specific day (or days) each week for the next year.


*Mission Dessert Auction and Mexican Food Potluck –THANK YOU to everyone who brought food and desserts. Also, thank you for your generosity in bidding on and buying the desserts. If you would like to give toward the building projects at Glacier Bible Camp in Hungry Horse, donate on Aplos and type “dessert auction” in the note.


*Fellowship Breakfast – It’s time to get together again for breakfast at The Back Room.  Join us on Saturday October 26 at 8:00 A.M.  Sign up on the back table to reserve your spot by October 21.


 *Operation Christmas Child – Shoeboxes – It’s time to begin working on the shoeboxes again.  Our deadline is  Sunday, November 17th.  There are three ways to participate in this ministry:

Boxes are available on the table at the back of the sanctuary. You can take one or more and purchase items to fill your box.

-You can donate money for toys/items,  and postage. We will do the shopping.

You can purchase toys/items (please put a note on these items indicating the age and gender of the child) and place them in the container.

We will pack shoeboxes with the purchased and donated items.


         *Prayer –  9-9:30 A.M. Please join us during this blessed time of prayer before service.


Repeat Announcements

*Blessings in Action – If you need assistance, please contact Terry or Lisa.


*COOKIES – Would you, or someone you know, like to have some freshly baked cookies? Call Sue or Dorothy.

*Prayer requests – Contact Lisa