The Bulletin
February 2, 2025
Love God, Love People, Serve the World
* “For An Audience of One, Living Free to Worship” – This women’s retreat will be held at Glacier Bible Camp in Hungry Horse May 2-4. There will be an informational meeting after the service today if you are interested in organizing a group or attending the event. Registration begins Feb. 5.
* Little Dresses – February 20th at 3:00 P.M., we will be packing dresses for Africa in the downstairs apartment. Please come if you can and help us with packing. If you have been sewing, please return finished dresses to the church by Feb. 16th.
* Valentine’s Day – Heavens Peak Health Care is collecting Valentine’s Day cards for our Veterans. Sunday, Feb. 9 is the deadline for bringing cards. Please place your cards on the back table or drop them off at Heavens Peak. Envelopes are optional.
* Wednesdays – Come to the Table – Join us as we read through the Bible with weekly studies. Meal at 5:30 and classes at 6:30.
Repeat Announcements
*Prayer – 9-9:30 A.M. Please join us in the kitchen area for a blessed time of prayer before service. Also please pray about joining the prayer team. Speak to Steve if the Lord is leading you to participate in this ministry.
*Blessings in Action – If you need assistance, please contact Terry, Brenda, or Lisa.
*Prayer requests – Contact Lisa