Volunteer Teams

Our volunteers make our church GREAT every single day.

Church goes beyond these four walls, so whether you would like to volunteer in the community or at the church, we would love for you to be a part of the team.

Check out the teams below for more information and how you can get involved.


Hospitality Teams

These teams help create a warm and welcoming environment and have a heart to serve our guests.





Worship Team

Are you a musician or vocalist interested in creating an atmosphere of worship? Join this team of passionate and dedicated artists who help create the worship experiences in our Sunday services. 




Connect Teams

Our connect teams help build a sense of community as we do life together and foster friendships that become family. 




Ushers and Greeters

These are the first friendly and smiling faces you will see welcoming you as soon as you drive into the parking lot and enter into the building.

Ushers and Greeters



Media and Sound

These teams help make everything possible by creating a welcoming and inspiring worship service so we can focus and enter into a time of worship and learning.

Media and Sound Team



Care Ministry

Join a team that helps bring wholeness, healing and comfort to our church family.




Local Outreach

We partner with several local outreaches to bring the love of Christ and help meet the needs of people in the Flathead Valley.




Facility and Grounds

These teams keep our facilities safe and looking great! These teams include cleaning, facility maintenance, landscaping, mowing, and more.




Security Team

Our safety, security, and first-aid teams do just that; make our church families feel safe!



Worship Service:  Sundays @ 9:30am

5091 US Hwy 2, Columbia Falls MT, 59912

Phone:  (406)-249-8662

Mailing Address: 
  PO Box 537 Columbia Falls MT 59912



Our Mission

To walk with people on a life-changing journey with Jesus Christ.