Lead Pastors:  Dave and Erin Vainio

Dave & Erin feel incredibly honored to be the new pastors at Journey Church and are looking forward to what God has in store for this great family of believers. The word “Journey” resonates
in their hearts as they look at how God has directed their paths over the years.

Dave has been in full-time ministry since 2001, serving in Music, Children’s, & Youth, in four states. Erin has lived
most of her life in the Flathead Valley attending and serving in local churches.

In June of 2021, God brought their journeys together. Their journey is one of healing and hope in Jesus and their prayer is that Journey Church will be a place where all can experience the hope only Jesus can bring.

 Our Story, Vision, Beliefs


What to Expect

Journey Kids

Worship Service:  Sunday’s @ 9:30am

5091 US Hwy 2, Columbia Falls MT, 59912

Email:  Hello@journeychurchcf.com

Phone:  (406)-249-8662

Mailing Address:  PO Box 537 Columbia Falls MT 59912



Our Mission

To walk with people on a life-changing journey with Jesus Christ.



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